Assignment 2


This camera was a bit of a learning curve as my first roll of film I shot was very blurry and dark after I developed it. I shot on a very cold day so figured I must have been shivering enough to shake the camera, so with my second roll of film I decided to use a tripod. The results were much better as the images were clearer and I also adjusted for the exposure by going a bit later in the day so there was less light. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment and enjoyed being able to focus on my subject matter rather than having to focus on the technical aspect which I had little control over. I really like the imperfections the Holga camera gives like the vignetting in the corners of the image. I worked with this feature by adding a small boarder around the print. I think with the period of the building the vignetting highlights and emphasizes that. 

Edit (March 14): The vignetting is not from the camera but due to the fact I enlarged the image on a lens meant for 35mm film. I still really like the effect so it's a happy accident. Also on a side note the building in the first picture burned down the day after this photo was taken. 


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